Viewing the Kubernetes Dashboard

The Kubernetes Dashboard is used to monitor jobs, pipeline jobs, services and inference services deployed using

To access the Kubernetes Dashboard, click on the Kubernetes icon on the toolbar of the project Home Page (see below, refer here to learn how to get to the project Home Page)


You will see the Kubernetes login screen (below)


Click “Skip” - the Kubernetes Dashboard will open (below)

image3 creates a Kubernetes namespace for every project. If the dashboard does not open up showing your project namespace, you can select it from the namespace drop-down on the left panel

The dashboard shows a lot of information about the namespace. Of particular use are the sections on pods and services.

Information about pods


Each job or service is run within one or more pods (the number of pods corresponds to the number of replicas you specified when you deployed the job or service)

You can look at the logs of the pod by clicking the ellipsis (“…”) symbol on the pod and clicking the “Logs” menu item. If the pod appears to be unresponsive, you can delete it by clicking the “delete” action.

If you delete a pod, Kubernetes automatically detects that the pod has been deleted, and will restart it. If you want to remove the pod permanently, you should delete the corresponding deployment from the “Deployment” section.

Information about services


The services, inference services and service meshes you deploy are displayed in this section. You can delete a service by clicking the “Delete” action against it. This will cause Kubernetes to re-deploy the service.

If you delete a service, Kubernetes automatically detects that the service has been deleted, and will restart it. If you want to remove the service permanently, you should delete the corresponding deployment from the “Deployment” section.